Veoci helps you to manage your BCP/COOP program with ease. The life cycle of plan management is automated as well as the execution of recovery strategies. Veoci aggregates plan detail information to determine overall hospital impact by dependency, function, department and more.
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Flexibility That Exceeds Expectations
Handle Disruptions Without Disrupting Care
End-to-end program management including BIA, Actionable Recovery Strategies, Plan development, Testing and Exercise.
Doing risk assessments and running BIAs is not something to be avoided. Using custom built web-based forms tailored to your hospital’s needs, make it easy for teams and coordinators to keep data up to date.
Automated reminders and task assignments along with dashboards showing readiness states increase accountability and generate dialog across the hospital.
Veoci’s actionable recovery plans automatically launch actions (team notifications, stakeholder alerts, task assignments, dashboard generation) directly from the BCP / COOP.