We’re constantly developing Veoci to make sure our users can accomplish everything they need to with the platform. Sometimes this entails doing some major overhauling and upgrading. It’s a tough process to power through, but enhancing our users’ experiences is the most worthwhile goal.
Geoff Baum, Lead Front End Engineer at Veoci, recently penned an article for Vuetify on Medium. In Our Point of Vue: Evolving through Innovation at Veoci, he chronicles Veoci’s history with other development tools and his experience with the latest and greatest: Vue and Vuetify.
Evolving through innovation
Vuetify and Vue became Geoff’s heroes in his project to rebuild Veoci’s front end earlier this year. While the project is still underway, Geoff has already seen gains from his jump to the new set of development tools.
We’re always exploring what positive changes we can make, especially when there’s some clear benefit for everyone involved. Last year, Geoff announced Veoci’s move to Webpack on the Veoci blog. One of Geoff’s opening lines there is, “Simply put, [the Veoci Development Team is] dedicated to advancement and progress,” and it still rings true. It’s one of Geoff’s main reasons for adopting Vue and Vuetify.
When we make advancements, they’re done for Veoci as a whole. Ultimately, these changes in tech mean much better functionality, new features, and a stellar customer experience overall. It puts us at the cutting edge, and it puts the customers there by extension.
“Users can build full-on solutions for their business needs with little to no web development understanding… To provide this experience, our code itself must be very complex to handle a myriad of customer use cases.”
In Our Point of Vue, Geoff says that when working with Vue and Vuetify “[i]t felt like it took the best of its contemporaries and assembled them into a simple solutions.” The two have definitely made a strong impact on our team. Innovation is important for us. It always leads to our customers experiencing the best of Veoci, and taking these steps forward is just the right thing for us to do.
Innovation comes full circle
Geoff begins to close Our Point of Vue with this: “The migration to Vue and Vuetify has taken the thought process of our development from ‘how do we do this without breaking everything’ to ‘how do we build this exciting new feature.'” We always have new features for our customers to use in their solutions, and Vue and Vuetify will only make that easier.
It’s a customer focused approach. We want our customers to take each of Veoci’s new features and run with them, to create things we couldn’t think of. “The customer use cases and the solutions they’ve dreamed up on Veoci,” Geoff says in the article, “are super broad and diverse; we could have never dreamed of these when we created Veoci.” We want to see this continue.
Bringing on new tech like Vue and Vuetify is one of the ways we can preserve that original sense of surprise. The innovation trickles down from the advancement as a whole, to our implementation, and then to the customer use cases.
What to expect
The final product isn’t here just yet, but it’s definitely something to be excited for.
We asked Geoff for some more on this. He gave us his list of the 3 biggest changes this work will bring to Veoci. Here’s a look at what’s to come:

1. Revamped user interface
It’ll be the most obvious change that Vue and Vuetify will bring to Veoci. Users will see it immediately upon logging in. This update is about much more than aesthetics, though.
Building a user interface is challenging. Again, it’s much more than just making it appealing. The look needs to complement the interface and lead the user through their journey on the page. Users can get themselves where they need to go when presented with good UI.
A revamped Veoci user interface is easily one of the most exciting parts of the transition to Vue and Vuetify.
2. Cleaner and more streamlined
This project has given us a good opportunity to do some timely reviews and evaluations. As we stitch together each of the critical components into this new framework, we have a chance to reconsider what’s necessary, and what’s unnecessary (and therefore a possible hindrance to the user experience).
This is Veoci’s first major front end overhaul. The Veoci Team has put together a ton of new features every two weeks since the start 7 years ago. We’ve got a lot of advanced features in Veoci, so it’s the right time to update the interface to mesh even better with the incredible depth and flexibility of Veoci’s feature set.
3. Top performance
Geoff isn’t the only one who’s amazed by what our customers have done with Veoci. Everyone here is impressed by what our customers have put together. These solutions are complex constructs, with Forms, Workflows, Tasks, and Custom Actions all working together through robust collaboration tools and reports.
Veoci has always been able to handle bulky processes. With Vue and Vuetify we’ll be able to improve it even more. It’s exciting to see on the horizon. Maintaining top-notch performance is important, and moving forward with Vue and Vuetify is a critical piece of this.
All of this is good news. We’ll have to wait another couple of months before the revamped front end debuts, but it’s something to look forward to. We’re ready for the change and can’t wait to see the positive impact it’ll have with all of our customers.