
Connecticut Digital City Open House – Guilford First Selectman Matt Hoey

Veoci Digital City Open House.

Serving as the Keynote Speaker for the event, Guilford’s First Selectman, Matt Hoey, kicked the afternoon off with a presentation that highlighted the successful partnership between the town of Guilford, CT and Veoci. Hoey emphasized the importance of Veoci’s collaborative approach when it came to developing customized solutions for each department, citing an increase in efficiency and productivity.

Veoci’s tools have been widely adopted throughout Guilford, with every department now utilizing a Veoci-based system. Hoey showcased several successful applications of Veoci, including response efforts during major weather events, a tree removal request tracking system, and a COVID-19 test kit distribution system. He also highlighted streamlined HR processes for managing personnel action forms and absence tracking, along with a digitized client management system.

Hoey stressed how the partnership between Veoci and Guilford is focused on understanding their needs and actively finding solutions rather than creating obstacles. This collaborative approach has built a strong foundation of trust and has facilitated a natural expansion of Veoci’s capabilities within Guilford’s operations.

Looking ahead, Matt Hoey shared that the town is exploring new ways to leverage Veoci to better serve the community. He expressed optimism for the ongoing evolution of the Veoci-Guilford partnership, anticipating further innovations and enhancements in their collaborative efforts.

You can watch this event presentation here.

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