Asset Management for Airports
Between facilities, hangars, signs, markings, equipment, and more, asset management for any airport needs to be seamless while making data accessible and interoperable. Veoci’s asset management solution helps airports create those complete records, find ways to save time and money, and carry them towards hitting the FAA’s strict compliance checkmarks.
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Comprehensive Asset Management
Tailor your solution to capture all the types of assets and necessary related information.
Move data between your asset management solution and work order management, ensuring both are accurate and up-to-date as your airport performs daily operations.
Catalog every asset at your airport, and use those records across every solution; create new records and retire old ones as needed.
Generate records to demonstrate compliance automatically as personnel complete inspection and perform other operations.

Utilize GIS mapping for better awareness
GIS embedded in the solution means your airport can not only track assets and data, but manage the operations from an interactive map.
Breakdown asset types using layers
Filter down your map view into single assets types or asset status to create a streamlined view for better management.
Tailored map layers and icons
Customize your view. Assign unique icons and colors based on criteria like asset type or status.
Nothing hidden, see everything from the map.
Click into layers and icons for more detailed information; no need for extra clicks to see the data you need.

Aviation Case Studies
How Can Veoci Help You?