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Don’t Be the Fool on April Fools’ Day: Tips For a Fun April 1st

Don't Be the Fool on April Fools' Day: Tips For a Fun April 1st

While the history of the holiday is widely speculated on, April Fools’ Day has become a global 24 hours dedicated to tricking. It’s a day that can bring out the hooligan in even the most tight laced person.

Since we know that the majority of our readers specialize in helping and keeping others safe, we thought it could be fun to review some tips to keep in mind as April Fools’ Day looms to make sure the day stays fun for everyone.

Things to Consider when Planning a Prank

Now you can find a million things that you should consider when planning or preparing for a prank at the office. We’ve narrowed the list down to three key objectives (in keeping with the theme of the first):

Short and Sweet.

If you do decide to celebrate April Fools’ day in the office, make sure to keep the KISS principle in mind. Don’t allow pranks to linger as tricks that extend throughout the day can be disruptive and become annoying. If there is a punchline, make sure you get to it.


The only pain we want anyone to feel from pranks is the ache in their belly from laughing too hard. While obviously we do not want anyone to get physically hurt from a prank, we also want to make sure that we are taking people’s feelings into consideration as well. Make sure there is nothing but fun behind the intent, and be sure to take a moment to think about how it could be received before following through.

Widely understood.

If the prank requires an explanation or a “set up”, in order for it to land… maybe rethink your audience and go with something else. You should also make sure that the practical joke falls inline with your workplace expectations, the look on someone’s face when you yell “April Fools’!” isn’t worth your employment.

Need Some Ideas?

Now, if this blog has just reminded you that April Fools’ Day is right around the corner and now you feel like you must figure out a prank right this very instant, we’ve compiled a list of what we hope to be fun, lighthearted ones to choose from.

Sugar in the salt shakers.

Or is it salt in the sugar shakers? Do whichever feels right. It’s classic, easy and cheap. Just be ready to buy someone another coffee.

Where did the K Cups and grounds go?

Keeping with the coffee trend, another idea is to take all of the K Cups, pods, grounds, beans, however your office chooses to create the nectar of the gods, and hide them. Keeping in line with the first objective, have them in a place where you can easily grab them before the mob gets crazy.

Replace family photos.

Print out random pictures of families and put them into the frames around the office. Note: when doing this, put the fake family photo over the real family photo. Do not take or move the real family photo from the frame.

The fan favorite lunch spot is no more.

Now, with so many foodies at Veoci and with how seriously lunch decisions are taken, this one would have to be highly contemplated. However, if you feel it won’t cause your peers significant emotional damage, then we say go for it. Create a fake announcement or send out a message about the closing of the go-to deli or buffet place down the road, allow for the reactions, and then be sure to throw in your “April Fools’!”. Maybe also be prepared to buy lunch.

All Joking Aside

With our community managing and responding to so many serious situations and events, we hope that you are able to have moments with your coworkers where you can have light hearted moments. Whether that be through celebrating April 1st or something else, we hope that you have fun and stay safe.

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