An icon of an aircraft in flight.

1 of the top 3 global airlines uses Veoci for incident management, continuity, and daily operations

Airlines shouldn’t have to lean on calls, emails, or paper during incidents or daily operations. Whether it’s for drills or a real activation, Veoci brings automation into the process to keep your airline and teams ahead in emergencies, resilience, and daily operations.

Passenger, cargo, or private — Veoci keeps your airline ahead and ready.

Instantly triage any incident virtually, from anywhere.

Automating incident response keeps it simple, streamlined, quick, and effective. Launch thousands of checklists, specific Dashboard views, team workspaces, and critical notifications in one click.

Crisis Emergency Activation Process.

Instantly triage any incident virtually, from anywhere.

Automating incident response keeps it simple, streamlined, quick, and effective. Launch thousands of checklists, specific Dashboard views, team workspaces, and critical notifications in one click.

Crisis Emergency Activation Plan Vertical.

Solutions for Airlines

Incident Management

Start triaging an incident in minutes. Launch a response in one click – thousands of checklists, dozens of team-specific Dashboards, and notifications to all relevant parties.

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Manifest Integrations

Integrate passenger, crew, and cargo manifest software with Veoci. Automatically make these data sets available to all stakeholders and use it to streamline essential response and daily operations.

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Daily Operations

Inspections, preventative maintenance, and more. Bring every operation into Veoci to improve data visibility through your organization and promote team collaboration.

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Next of Kin Management

Track all accommodations and communications per case, and pass specific passenger information up to leadership reports while maintaining privacy. Bring in passenger manifest data to identify crews and passengers, plus name mismatches and duplicates.

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Business Continuity

Build and maintain plans seamlessly, run virtual exercises and drills, and make stakeholder collaboration simple – everything you need for a successful and efficient business continuity management program.

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Aviation Customers

The Veoci Advantage

Our customer-focused approach to development allows us to create solutions that solve real world problems and make a real world difference. Your success is our success and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

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Meet The Aviation Team

Dia Wynn


Former Manager Airfield Operations at San Francisco International Airport SFO

Vincent Jessel


Currently holds Private Pilot License and Instrument Rating from the FAA.

Airlines Case Studies

A view of the inside of a plan cabin.
Airline Incident Management Activate the airline command center in one click. Set every process, task, notification, and more in motion immediately in just one click [...]
How Veoci Makes Business Continuity Processes more Efficient and Intuitive for an Aviation Company

Learn how a private aviation company adapted the Veoci platform to its business continuity processes.

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