
Paperless City Webinar Series: Fire & Rescue Employee Onboarding & QA with Isle of Wight, VA

William Drewery, Emergency Manager of Isle of Wight County, Virginia provided an overview of how the Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Department is using Veoci to streamline their employee onboarding and quality assurance processes. 

They created a workflow in Veoci to track all the steps in the onboarding process for new employees. This includes collecting employee information, issuing uniforms, reviewing policies, ordering PPE, and more.

Specifically, William showed information is now centralized. All employee and report data is stored securely in one place in Veoci rather than across different systems and filing cabinets.

The digitization of the onboarding process also provides visibility into tracking where employees are in the process, as well as standardizing and streamlining what was once a very manual process.

The department is also utilizing Veoci for quality assurance for a specialized medical procedure. When a patient care report is submitted for a rapid sequence intubation, Veoci kicks off a workflow where it is reviewed by supervisors and the training officer. It is then sent to the medical director for final approval, the entire management and approval process now entirely digital.

When it comes to something as important as employee onboarding for a fire and rescue department, your process shouldn’t be as flimsy as the sheet of paper it’s on. Watch the webinar to learn more about how Veoci can help your department. 

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