CT Digital City Open House

Thursday, September 26th, 2024 | 12:00PM – 5:30PM

Veoci Headquarters, 195 Church St, New Haven, CT, 4th Floor Conference Rooms

Important Time Changes to this Event

This event now starts at 12:00PM on September 26, 2024.

CT Digital City Open House

We're excited to invite current Veoci users, friends, and those interested in learning more about digitizing their community to our free CT Digital Open House at the Veoci Headquarters in New Haven.

Keynote Speaker

Digital City: Guilford

Digital City: Stamford

Critical Event Management: Election Day

Ask a Solutions Engineer

Agenda Highlights

Keynote Speaker

Matt Hoey III
First Selectman
Guilford, CT

Digital City: Guilford, CT

Learn about how Guilford utilizes Veoci to enable cost reductions, time & materials savings, and faster processes throughout the town divisions in addition to the core mission of Emergency Management for the town.

Digital City: Stamford, CT

The City of Stamford digitized over 125 processes with Veoci, going paperless and fully digital for emergency management, daily operations, and more. See how they did it in their presentation.

Critical Event Management: Election Day

What looks seamless to poll-goers comes from all of the planning, permitting, traffic and parking management, polling management, and more from officials. See how Veoci empowers towns on Election Day.

Ask a Solutions Engineer

Have questions about Veoci or need help configuring something? Our experts will be available to answer them during dedicated time slots.

Implement Our Municipal Call and Email Tracker Solution

All towns want to keep any ear to their residents requests, but the tracking the volume of calls and emails from the public can quickly become cumbersome. Turn this critical operations digital to ensure citizens' voices are heard and management of requests is streamlined.

CT Digital City Open House Full Agenda

12:00PM - 12:15PM
Welcome Dr. Sukh Grewal
12:15PM - 1:00PM
Pizza Lunch
1:00PM - 1:30PM
Keynote Speaker Matt Hoey III
First Selectman
Guilford, CT
1:30PM - 2:00PM
Digital City: Guilford Mike Shove
Assistant Chief & Deputy Fire Marshal
Guilford, CT
2:00PM - 2:45PM
Digital City: Stamford Janeene Freeman
Special Assistant to Mayor, Director of Partnerships and Community Engagement
City of Stamford
Josie Carpanzano
Deputy Director of Operations
City of Stamford
Cynthia Hernandez
Customer Service Representative
City of Stamford
2:45PM - 3:00PM
Coffee Break
3:00PM - 4:30PM
Critical Event Management: Election Day Planning, permitting, traffic & parking, protest and incident response polling management
4:30PM - 5:30PM
Ask a Solutions Engineer Open Q&A and workshop with our Solutions Team
4:30PM - 7:00PM
Happy Hour

Register now for the CT Digital City Open House

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